We are specialists in a wide range of tax issues. Our aim is to provide expert advice in a commercial and practical manner.
We advise on all areas of Income Tax, including:
- Capital Gains Tax, including the Small Business CGT Concessions.
- Company Tax, including Division 7A.
- Taxation of Trusts.
- International Tax.
- Employee shares schemes.
We also advise on all aspects of:
- Good and Services Tax.
- Fringe Benefits Tax.

We apply our knowledge to a range of services and industries, including:
- Advising on structuring and restructuring in tax-effective manners.
- Mergers and acquisitions, ensuring the best tax outcome is reached.
- Income tax and GST implications of property developments.
- Personal services income and professional services firms, focusing on ATO risk areas.
- Tax issues associated with succession planning, estate planning and deceased estates.
- Matrimonial settlements.
- All dealings with the ATO, including reviews, audits, objections and ruling requests.
- Completing tax reviews to determine areas of improvement in respect of both tax efficiencies and tax risks.
- Identifying and developing strategies for ATO focus areas.

Find out about our training services here